Passfinder is a utility which will open a FirstClass settings file and retrieve the password, if it is saved in the settings. This probably sounds familiar, since it's exactly what a utility called FirstClass Digger, by Gordon Grieder, did. The only difference is that Passfinder works with (and only works with) FirstClass 2.5 settings. To use, just open the program and select "Open..." from the File menu and select your file in the dialog. Or even easier drop the settings on the application's icon.
The point:
The only good use I can think of for this program is using it to retrieve your password so you can change it in while online (if you're one of those people who leaves your passwords in settings files then forgets about them). Or, if you're that kind of person, you can use it to get someone else's password if you get their settings file :->.
About the author
The author, Rick Warfield, is 14 years old and is obcessed with polar bears, Macs, and MKII. If you would like to contatct me, I can be reached at,, or Please mail me if you are having problems.